Self-Catering Holiday

The Nest is a fully equipped Self-Catering Holiday Cottage, situated privately in the bush-area about 3.5km from the main lodge (Eagles Rest). An illuminated waterhole makes sure you won’t miss the thirsty wildlife through the night and you can enjoy the beautiful bird life around this waterhole.


This self-catering unit provides sleeping facilities for up 6 people, 3 spacious bedrooms with double or twin beds and two sleeper couches per room.  With an open-plan kitchen and lounge. Ideal accommodation for a group of friends or a family. 


A cozy swimming pool with a BBQ area, surrounded by big trees gives you the refreshing relaxation you need after a long, warm African day.

All guest must check in at the main lodge and get direction to the Nest. No self-driving is allowed. Game drives can also be booked at reception.