The White Rhino is one of 5 species of Rhinos in the world. The White Rhino recovered from near extinction with numbers as low as 50 – 100 left in the wild in the early 1900’s, this sub-species of Rhinos has now increased to about 16 000. These animals are found and protected in a number of countries of which Namibia is one of them. Poaching of these animals has been a major concern and also the main reason for the White Rhino to be considered an endangered species.

Thanks to amazing people that dedicate their lives to conserve and protect wildlife, the White Rhino species stand a chance to survive in the wild. William, a magnificent man, has been working at Otjiwa lodge for over 29 years and has made it his life’s purpose to protect the Rhinos. He came to Otjiwa in 1993 as a 23 year old with a passion for wildlife and conservation. He fell in love with the White Rhino species and spend years of his life learning everything there is to know about this specie. William closely observed the Rhinos for many years and through experience discovered how these magnificent animals survive in the wild.

William spends hours in the bush tracking all the Rhinos on our reserve. He knows every single Rhino by name and he makes sure that our beloved White Rhinos is well taken care of and protected. William has many stories about the Rhinos of Otjiwa and he loves them as if they were his own children. Whenever we lose the life of a Rhino or a Rhino has to leave the resort, William greets them with a heavy heart. With tears streaming down his face he waves goodbye to the animal he grew up with and spends every day protecting.

Protecting wildlife and conservation is an unselfish job – as we do not do this for ourselves but rather dedicate our time and effort for future generations. William is an example of someone that devotes their time and effort for the future’s sake, so that one day our grandchildren can also experience the beauty and magnificence of these majestic animals.

Conservation of animals is often so easily neglected, but if everyone joins hands and contribute in some kind of way the White Rhino species just might stand a chance to see the magic of a new morning.